“Mississippi has just become a magnet for unscrupulous people wanting to work as private investigators said Richard A Brooks, president of the Mississippi Private Investigators Association.”

This is a developing investigation and media story please email staff@concatcher.com if you have a complaint with this individual.
Please do not send this man money via paypal cashapp or any other means he is a fraud.
I copied an email we received regarding Jim Terry conman extraordinaire, I have filed a complaint with Florida and they are well aware of him.
“My name is Ashley M******, I hired Jim Terry on 5/31/22 to help find my missing son Alex Easterling. He cold called called me on May 30, I paid him $3000 on May 31. One of the main reasons we chose Jim, and chose him so quickly, was due to the fact that he stated multiple times that he only takes one case at a time, and that he had never had a case that didn’t come to completion, he stayed on it until it was resolved.
I have multiple audio recording and text messages that verify all of this information.
Needless to say Jim Terry not only accepted multiple other cases and money from families at the same time he took my money, He did absolutely nothing to help us in the search for my son. He actually disrupted most of the established media contacts and other outlets for assistance that we had.
If you need additional information or recordings to support this information, please let me know.
Thanks for helping spread the word about this disgusting man.
Whilst Jim Terry is clearly a disgusting conman. This conviction is for a different Jim Terry. Jim Terry the fake PI is 46 not 52. However, he his a felon.
I appreciate your efforts to make potential victims aware of this ‘man’but facts are still important.
Thank you time flies and I have received more emails on him. I own alot of domains this is a kind of a personal project I am trying to get off the ground. But glad to see its starting to rank.
I know exactly where James Terry has been staying and it is not in the state of Mississippi I have talked to the attorney’s General’s office in Mississippi and there is a investigator by the name of par who is assigned to James Terry but good luck getting him to answer the phone. I would like for someone to contact me immediately from this editorial as I believe that Jim Carrey’s actions at the current time are potentially worse than any crime he is committed so far money is replaceable life is not this man is jeopardizing the well-being of people and he is going to call someone to get hurt possibly killed and because he says he’s not hiding but according to law enforcement in several States he is hiding everyone seems to be too lazy to do anything about it please get back in contact with me I already sent an email to the above address with a phone number.
I know exactly where James Terry has been staying and it is not in the state of Mississippi I have talked to the attorney’s General’s office in Mississippi and there is a investigator by the name of par who is assigned to James Terry but good luck getting him to answer the phone. I would like for someone to contact me immediately from this editorial as I believe that Jim Terry’s actions at the current time are potentially worse than any crime he is committed so far money is replaceable life is not this man is jeopardizing the well-being of people and he is going to call someone to get hurt possibly killed and because he says he’s not hiding but according to law enforcement in several States he is hiding everyone seems to be too lazy to do anything about it please get back in contact with me I already sent an email to the above address with a phone number.
I know exactly where James Terry has been staying and it is not in the state of Mississippi I have talked to the attorney’s General’s office in Mississippi and there is a investigator by the name of par who is assigned to James Terry but good luck getting him to answer the phone. I would like for someone to contact me immediately from this editorial as I believe that Jim Terry’s actions at the current time are potentially worse than any crime he is committed so far money is replaceable life is not this man is jeopardizing the well-being of people and he is going to cause someone to get hurt possibly killed and because he says he’s not hiding but according to law enforcement in several States he is hiding everyone seems to be too lazy to do anything about it please get back in contact with me I already sent an email to the above address with a phone number.
Anyone with information on Jim Terry’s current whereabouts and vehicle information please email me at staff@concatcher.com. Your email is confidential.
Any recent complaints are encouraged to be forwarded as well.
I am working on a piece about him in regards to the Dylan Rounds case for publication in a law magazine. I will try and keep everyone posted.
He told me when I tried hiring him he had a condo in Spring valley area of Las Vegas NV.
Dear Staff
I have a youtube channel and I have had one of the most horrible man Jim Terry harassing me and my subscribers and panelists. He has gone real life on me and several others. He called my aunt and 86 year old lady and the owner of the house I live in and pretended to want to buy this house. She told him it wasn’t for sale and he kept on and convinced her she was talking to a good guy and she spilled her guts about me and my family. He used this information to try and blackmail me to get off youtube. He claims i still his money because my subs donate to me and my channel. Now he is blackmailing one of my highest supporters and her BF which was my co-host and ran them off of youtube. He called this supporters Stepdad and got information on her and threatened her with it. Unfortunately they didn’t feel they could stand up against Jim Terry and his brother Mark Terry, who wears a mask to avoid anybody from reporting him to his work. They ran these people and many others off youtube and is always trying to strike down our channels. We were there during the Dylan Rounds search and we still report on it when new information arises from it. We know all the victims of Jim Terry PI service. The families he cheated, scammed, exploited etc. He is doing the same to us. If there is anyway you can help us by giving advice on how to handle him or knowing how we can stop him. We are willing to give you everything we have researched on him. We have alot we just don’t know what to do with it, mostly.
Hello my name is Doug Hutton and I am the one who started this page so please disregard because Jim Terry is a good guy, I was just mad because my pecker is small and i am a drug addict.
please contact me I have plenty on this POS
Sent an email with info on more of his latest games! Always up to something Jim Terry!
https://www.youtube.com/@IM_CUMMING_IN_YOUR_MOM/featured This person may or may not be who you are looking for, but he is claiming to have the same Ph.#. He is a complete dirtbag which fits James to a T. If you check that page and click on the > arrow directly after “YOU CAN REACH ME AT MY MAIN CHANNEL BELOW” at the top of the page next to his name, you will see the same Ph.# listed as his contact number. I hope this helps, and no this is not a prank.
I’m Ron Tello. I have appeared many times on Jim’s YouTube shows and on several others.
I have become quite popular on the Internet. Now, I believe he is intimidated by that growing popularity and is actively coercing Creators to avoid me and delete shows I was on, thus interfering with my efforts to succeed on YT. What’s more: JT and his conjoined partner in crime, Mr. X have been bantering and defaming my good name in their self-interests of “Content”…without compensation. Is there a Law that addresses my grievance? I sure do want to invoke it and pursue the matter to it’s satisfactory conclusion. Anybody have a clue?
Please contact me on facebook at Ron Tello Culley. Thank you.
This man is a horrible human being!! He called me out of the blue one day about my missing daughter, made claims he would find her, he took my money and did nothing for her case, except case harm to it!! And created family members to fight agains one another!! Starting family fights among us!! This man should be shot!!! My daughter is still missing!!!!!!!!!!!